Support your favorite people on your favorite platforms

Retribute helps you to support your favorite people on platforms you already know and love

Simply sign in to your account on a supported platform and let Retribute do the rest.

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A wide range of support methods

Easily gather links to users' accounts on popular funding sites.

Retribute scans enabled services for links to a range of different funding services - such as Liberapay, Patreon, Paypal, and Bandcamp - allowing you to easily spread the love!

See Currently Supported Platforms

No tracking, no ads

Retribute is built with free, opens-source technologies and lets you keep control of your information

All private and sensitive information is stored and processed in your web browser, including login information and suggestions. At the click of a button, this information can be completely removed.

Get Started

  For Supporters

Retribute keeps track of who you engage with and provides you with their donation links
Try it now!

  For Recipients

Retribute delivers the contribution links listed on your accounts online to potential supporters
Add links to supported donation platforms

🐝️ How does it work?

Retribute connects to your existing accounts to suggest people to support.   Once you've signed in to your account, Retribute will assess your interactions with individuals and creators and assign them a weight based on the frequency of your interactions.

Retribute uses links found in individuals' profiles to generate a list of donation sources connected to that individual. As long as they have a valid link, Retribute will return it.

Once Retribute has sorted through your interactions, simply find the person you wish to support and follow the link to their support platform. It's that easy!

  See a list of currently supported platforms

Get involved

This project is part of the Funkwhale community.

We're a friendly community of volunteers, and we develop Retribute in parallel of Funkwhale, a decentralized audio streaming platform.

If you want to help, you're welcome!